Best Thrift Stores to Do Thrift Shopping in US

Finding the best and right store for your needs can be a challenge in itself over shopping the right product inside a thrift store. The good news is that there are many thrift stores where you can shop and purchase furniture, decorative items and clothing items that you require for your home and for your dressing closet. We have made a list of thrift stores to make it easier for you to find. Here is the list of top thrift stores that have presence in different parts of the United States as well as offer good quality thrift items at affordable prices.
Table of Contents
- Goodwill Store
- Habitat for Humanity ReStore
- Savers
- Salvation Army
- St. Vincent De Paul (SVDP) Thrift Stores
- Deseret Industries
- Assistance League
- Value Village
- Buffalo Exchange
- Out of the Closet Thrift Store
Goodwill Store
Goodwill stores are the most popular thrift stores in the United States selling used clothes, furniture, home improvement items, and kitchen accessories. It has more than 3000 independent retail thrift stores and donation centers through 160 local Goodwill chapters in the United States.
Different types of retail thrift stores include Goodwill Outlet Stores, Goodwill thrift stores, Goodwill Select Stores, Goodwill Boutique Specialty Stores. Goodwill Boutique Speciality Stores and Goodwill Select Stores offer higher end products. On the other hand, Goodwill Outlet Stores offers products by the Pounds usually prices between US$0.99 to US$1.99
Habitat for Humanity ReStore
Habitat for Humanity ReStore has home improvement items, furniture items at low prices. Most of the product available are donated by business organizations, construction companies, builders and individuals for the benefit of the community. Habitat for Humanity ReStore are there is many different cities in the United States.
The Savers Thrift Stores is a for-profit, global thrift retailer offering great quality, gently used clothing, accessories and household goods. The Savers thrift stores are located in Massachusetts, California, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, New York, Minnesota, Illinois, Rhode Island, New Mexico, Connecticut, Missouri, Texas and other states in the United States.
Savers also help more than 100 nonprofit organizations by purchasing donated goods from them, which provides a source of revenue to help support their vital community programs and services.
Salvation Army
Salvation Army Thrift stores also known as ‘The Sally Ann’ are Salvation Army run Thrift Stores in the United States and Canada. They also have stores in other countries such as Australia and New Zealand. Founded in 1865, The Salvation Army (TSA) is a christian church as well as Non profit charitable organization.
St. Vincent De Paul (SVDP) Thrift Stores
St. Vincent De Paul Society Thrift Stores are retail charity shops run by St. Vincent De Paul Society in the United States. St. Vincent De Paul Society Thrift Stores are located in Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, Arizona, California, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Georgia, Illinois, Texas among other states in the United States.
Deseret Industries
Deseret Industries Thrift Stores are run by Deseret Industries, a non-profit organization and a division of the welfare services provided by LDS Church. Deseret Industries thrift stores collects people donated items such as furniture, appliances, computers, and clothing and sells it in the Deseret Industries thrift stores. Deseret Industries thrift stores are located at Utah, Idaho, California, Arizona, Nevada and Washington State.
Assistance League
Assistance League Thrift Shops are retail charitable shops run by Assistance League Chapters in the United States. Assistance League thrift stores selling donated goods; some are consignment shops, furniture stores and clothing stores. These stores are managed and staffed by Assistance League members. Assistance League thrift stores are located in California, Oregon, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Missouri, Washington, New Mexico among other states in United States.
Value Village
Value Village, a Savers brand, is a for-profit, global thrift retailer offering great quality, gently used clothing, accessories and household goods. Value Village along with Savers thrift stores also help more than 100 nonprofit organizations by purchasing donated goods from them, which provides a source of revenue to help support their vital community programs and services. Value Village thrift stores are located in Washington, Maryland, Oregon and Alaska.
Buffalo Exchange
Buffalo Exchange is a privately owned, family-operated fashion resale retailer that buys and resells used clothing. Buffalo Exchanges stores are located in California, Arizona, Texas, Washington, New York, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Illinois among other states in the U.S.
Out of the Closet Thrift Store
Out of the Closet is a nonprofit chain of thrift stores whose revenues provide medical care for patients with HIV. The chain is owned and operated by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, a Los Angeles-based charity that provides medical, preventive, and educational resources for patients. Out of the Closet stores are located in California, Florida, Ohio, New York, Washington, Georgia and Texas.