Best Products to Buy in Thrift Stores

Thrift stores offers a wide range of products from clothing to home decor items and home improvement goods that are affordable and fit to our needs. Generally, used clothes are the one that comes to mind when we think about thrift shopping. There are many other items such as craft supplies, art pieces, kitchen utensils and everything in between that has its place in our home and garage, that we can find in thrift stores.
We’ve made a list of products that we think offer the best value for money and can be a good quality find in thrift stores, if we choose the right products while shopping. Besides this, there are specialized thrift stores such as Habitat for Humanity ReStore that offer home improvement items and furniture that may be suitable to find a specific set of products from our list.
Table of Contents
- Branded Clothes
- Off season Items
- Small Home Decor Products
- Art Frames
- Lamps
- Books
- Mirrors
- Glass Items
- Craft Supplies
- Ceramics
Branded Clothes
Clothing items are one of the prominent items being sold in thrift stores. Finding the right clothing in good conditions can feel like a matchmaking process while walking through the aisle of irrelevant clothes. But setting the right frame of mind on what to look for and what to shop for help in narrow down focus on finding the right clothes. Branded items assure us of the quality of the clothing material used and the sewing quality in which the dress is made.
Off season Items
Buying offseason items is general advice on buying products in thrift stores. After every season of fall, winter, spring, the seasonal clothes get donated to thrift stores. This is also true for Christmas and Halloween products that end up in thrift stores after the new year. By choosing the right time to buy off season, we can score great hauls that are ready to be worn after the arrival of the season next year.
Small Home Decor Items
Small decor items such as glass, ceramic vase, stationary holders, side table decorations and showcase decor items and filler products are quite easy to find in thrift stores. But finding the right type of style and themed items can be a challenge when looking for small home decor items in thrift stores. By keeping in mind the theme, color, styles of furniture or interior that needs decorations, it should make your life easier in getting the attention of right home decor items from a myriad of items in thrift stores.
Art Frames
If you’re into art or paintings, Art frames are a quick way to score a good haul for home and office decorations. Wall painting and art items usually get changed every season or after a few years. We can get good wall paintings in thrift stores. If you don’t like the art, you can DIY new painting or wall craft into new wall art.
Lamps are one way to score a good haul in the interior decoration department from thrift stores. Lamps such as table lamps, ceiling lights, fairy string lights, LED lights, vintage lights are plenty available in thrift stores with a good supply of home improvement items. When looking for lamps, we need to make sure they are in working conditions. If not, we should be prepared to find the right bulb or lighting accessories to make the lamps operational.
Plenty of books get donated to charity organizations that end up in thrift stores. Some stores even sell books by the pound. If you're a bookworm, you should definitely check out thrift stores in periodic intervals to fill your collection and make the best of available books. If your book cabinets are overflowing, consider donating the books to a charity organization that can find another reader for your books.
Mirrors are one of the lesser common items you can find in thrift stores. Mirrors are one of the first items to get shelved to bring a new look in interior decorations projects. Mirrors such as bathroom mirrors, wall mirrors, personal make up mirrors and large floor mirrors can be found in thrift stores. While shopping for mirrors, one has to be careful about the build quality of frames and support items available for hanging mirrors if it's a hanging type of wall mirror.
Glass Items
Glass items such as decorative glass items, kitchen utensils are plenty available in thrift stores. more often they are available as one off design, theme and styles glass items. It can be a challenge to find the right set of glassware in thrift stores. However, you can easily find decorative glass items for home interior needs. Most of the glass items donated can contain dust stains and can be opaque. A fresh wash and clean up can bring the glass items a new look.
Craft Items
Craft items are quite an easy find in thrift stores. Craft items such as clothing pieces, napkins, craft supplies, costume jewelry are often available in bulk and in mismatched presentations in thrift stores. If you look for inspiration in pinterest or other places around you, you should be able to piece one and one and be able to find the right craft items in thrift stores. One should also avoid getting lost in the mixed bag of a number of craft items available at thrift stores. If one plans well for a specific type of DIY craft projects in mind, it should help look for specific items required for the work at hand.
Ceramic items such as ceramic pots, ceramic jars, memorabilia, ceramic mugs, placeholders, ceramic paper weight, ceramic miniature statues, ceramic garden decoratives, and home decorative items can be found in thrift stores. When shopping for ceramic decorative items, one has to keep in mind the design, style and theme of the place where they want to place the products.
There are more than these 10 items listed that can be found in thrift stores. Some specialty thrift stores can have a good collection of furniture items, home improvement products that can not only aid our pursuit of building and designing home and home interiors. If you think, there are better products that might fit our top 10 list, feel free to share it in comments and we will certainly give it a thought and make an update.